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Overhead Irrigation

Not similar to drip irrigation, which can go relatively unnoticed in the landscape, sprinkler or “overhead spray” irrigation systems are quite the opposite. Water is scattered by a system of pressure-regulated spray heads and rotors, and advanced head nozzles are utilized to break water up into small water drops that are dispersed through an efficient spray pattern.
Overhead sprinkler irrigation is a process of applying irrigation water which is comparable to rainfall. Water is spread through a system of pipes generally by pumping, or pressurized municipal water supplies. It is then sprinkled into the air and covering an entire soil surface through spray heads so that it breaks up into small water drops which fall to the ground.

Generally crops with leafy greens like Lettuce, Arugula, Cabbage, Kale, Collards, Radishes, and the like, are most ben e fit ed by over head irri ga tion. (Drip irri ga tion still has its place on crops like Tomatoes, Peppers and Cucumbers. Also, leafy greens may ben e fit from drip in the win ter — when mois ture and humid i ty are extra high.) In the sum mer months, use our over head irri ga tion sys tem with shade cloth for evap o ra tive cool ing on leafy greens.

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